There he is Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton.  He thinks he is going to run unopposed for Mayor of Danbury and I say I can't go for that...NO CAN DO.  This morning the Mayor joined us on the Ethan and Lou show when we were live from City Center Danbury.  I explained to him again that his run for mayor would hit a road block named: ME.  Lou Milano for Mayor 2015.  That's right....and my campaign slogan is:  "Get it up in ya!"

We sat face to face discussing the issues and I'm still not sure what they are but I will tackle them.  The Mayor of course brought up all sorts of irrelevant topics like:  "How can you run for Mayor of Danbury when you don't live in Danbury.  This is typical of the kinds of things he brings up during our debates.  I refuse to lower myself to that level.  He also decided it was a good idea to challenge me to a Wonder Bread eating contest.  Really?  First off I would not do that.  It's beneath me.  Secondly when we do it he will lose and lose hard.  I love wonder bread...I was raised on it and he just made a big mistake.

When elected I will be busy at work dedicating myself to the tasks at hand...whatever those are.  I will not be tweeting or on periscope all day.  You can take that to the bank....That's mostly because I don't know how to do either but I still won't be doing those things.

LOU MILANO MAYOR 2015..."Get it up in ya!"

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