I Can’t Wait to Ride ‘Boaty McBoatFace’ at Quassy This Summer
It's not too often that the owner of a business gives the general public the opportunity to name one of their new products, but it's happening right now here in Connecticut. Quassy Amusement Park in Middlebury has just announced a new contest for the naming rights to a new roller coaster that is scheduled to open for the upcoming 2025 season.
The worst example of naming rights gone wrong that I can remember happened in 2016, when folks in the UK decided to name a new polar exploration submarine 'Boaty McBoatFace'. The news of this unique name made a splash and set off a bunch of similar naming contests across the globe. Here in Connecticut, the Connecticut D.O.T has had some fun over the last couple of years with their own snowplow naming contests. During our next snowstorm, keep a look out for Scoop Dogg, Husky McSalty, Buzz Iceclear, Plowzilla, Up2SnowGood, SnowJaws, SnowBob PlowPants, and Fast & Flurryous to clear off your road, they're all out there.

Quassy just put out social media posts announcing that two new rides will make their debut for the 2025 season, one is called the Alladin Wave Singer, which looks like a giant swing with magic carpets, and the other is a new family rollercoaster. Thhis new rollercoaster is yellow and blue with cars that spin you around as you roll over gentle curves and slight dips. Quassy is asking all of us for help picking the name. If yours is chosen, you will be the first to ride it, and you will have 4 passes with free parking for the Grand Opening. My submission? Bring Back Four Corners Grocery Store.
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