Help The Enfield Dog Park, Or Your Lawn is Next
I own a Chihuahua, and I live in a condo in Torrington. I pick up my dog's poop when he goes, it's the right thing to do, but if I don't, I face a $50 fine from our Homeowner's Association. Watch out Enfield residents, if you don't volunteer your time soon at your local dog park, your lawns may be filling up with poop.

While I live under strict rules and face a fine through DNA testing, there isn't a law specifically stating that you have to pick up after your pet here in Connecticut, except in Hamden, and a few of our cities and towns who've thought about it. Most have addressed the municipal pet waste problem by dedicating some land to a dog park. Waste baskets, bags for the waste, a fenced in area where dogs can let loose and take their collar off 'Costanza-style', they're great.
Enfield, Connecticut is running into a human resources problem at their municipal dog park. The Enfield Dog Park is located on Ecology Drive, and as of today (March 16, 2023), it's closed to the public through this weekend, re-opening on Monday, March 20. Why? Enfield relies on volunteers to help out municipal employees with routine maintenance and staffing, but there haven't been any volunteers recently.
The current board members have put out an urgent plea for help on their website, and warn that this temporary closure could be permanent. Now is the time Enfield dog owners, if you like the convenience of a safe, fenced-in area with all of the amenities to let your pooch drop a loaf, drop enfielddogpark@gmail.com some of your time or donation too.
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