Heavily Accessorized Vehicle Makes Appearance in Danbury Parking Lot
If you are going to wear six gold chains, a silver chain, a fedora, a pinky ring and really bright sneakers, I can't hangout with you. The same goes for cars, there is such a thing as too many accessories for a vehicle.
One such vehicle appeared in the Stop n' Shop parking lot in Danbury, CT about three months ago. The car was interesting enough to one Reddit user, u/eamato, who posted the photo below writing "Danbury CT stop n shop parking lot.."
I'm about to be judgmental, but I want to share with you that my cars suck, both of them suck so bad. They are terrible, not cool to look at, always broken and they suck so bad. Did I mention that?
The human equivalent to this car would look like this:
Look at me everyone! I'm Chris Kirkpatrick from NSYNC and I'm here to sing some songs for you. I'm dressed like maybe a pirate, definitely a little bit of magician and all peacock. See me everyone! See me!
I want to believe irony plays a huge role in the personality of this car but I can't be sure so I'm a little sad. What are we working with here? We have a Mack truck hood ornament, an Anheuser-Busch front plate, 83 safety lights from a Dodge truck and a mini windshield on the hood, to protect the big windshield?
It certainly keeps my mind busy and dazzles the eye. Please, I don't want to be mean, I'm in a program for people who are nasty for no reason.
I'm doing really well and we've identified that my "rage lashes" are a projection of all the things I dislike about me. But, look at this car, just look at it. I'm not completely alone in my judgement of this rolling, WWE Smack-down event.
u/technicallyimright wrote: "Guess John Oliver was right about Danbury" and u/gangaheadman remarked: "was there a sale at Autozone or something?"
If you are the owner of this car or you can turn them into me, I'll give you a free I-95 "Townie Tuesday" t-shirt and I will thank you for having the bravery to come forward.
I love cars and this car owners seem to love cars. Also I get I've gotten carried away with accessories. I remember the summer with the hoop earring, the shell necklace and the bandanna. That was really bad, it was really just awful and my fault.
I needed to do some serious soul searching before I recognized what I was up to and put an end to it. We all will strut our feathers out sometimes but eventually we realize we are not Kid Rock, Dennis Rodman or Steven Tyler.
When I found out it was almost too late. It's not too late for you. We can still save this situation.
P.S. I'm starting to come around on the Anheuser-Busch plate, I'd imagine that's super rare. Sure, you can find beer license plates anywhere for specific beers but the whole brewing company? That' special right there.

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