CT Looks to Promote a ‘Strong and Healthy’ Community for Local Dairy Farmers
Putting the WOW back in MOO.
Tax and spend is not a concept unique to Connecticut. With the recent legislative session coming to a close and a budget passing, there still is work to be done in our state in regards to numerous programs. A recent announcement from the Governor seems to take some pressure off a very important section of Connecticut.
This press release announcement from The Office of the Governor should spell relief for Connecticut's dairy farmers. Governor Malloy has enacted his administrative powers to restore over one-million-dollars in grant funding for dairy farmers that had been cut from the state budget, saying the following:
A strong and healthy farming community is integral to a strong and healthy Connecticut. That’s why it’s important that the state partners with our hardworking dairy farmers who are challenged by a combination of volatile milk prices coupled with the high production costs. The legislature recognized this when they restored funding for next fiscal year and today, my administration is taking action to restore funding the current year
I have family that work hard to make a living in the farming world, and having a safety net of sorts is integral to keeping the farm alive. Hats off to our legislatures for understanding how critical this grant money is.
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