Governor Lamont Signs Three Bills Tightening Up Gun Control in Connecticut
Three gun control bills were signed into law by Connecticut's Governor to promote gun safety in the state.
According to the Hartford Courant, House Bill 7218, better known as Ethan's Law was one of those gun control bills which mandate that firearms, both loaded and unloaded must be safely stored in homes where minors under the age of 18 reside. Offenders may face a Class D felony along with jail time.
The law is named for Guilford teenager, Ethan Song who accidentally shot and killed himself in January. House Bill 7219 bans the construction of a firearm without obtaining and engraving a serial number or other identification. Bill 7219 also prohibits the making of a firearm constructed of polymer plastic.
House Bill 7223 bans the storage of unlocked firearms in unattended vehicles and only applies to pistols and revolvers. Breaking that law would be a Class A misdemeanor and for second offenders, a Class D felony. According to, gun violence actually dropped in 2018. For specific gun violence stats from 2014 through 2018 click on