Get Rid of Your Christmas Tree by Giving It to a Goat
Animal lovers, kick off the New Year by making your Christmas tree a gift by donating it to a goat.

Danielle Connell owns an animal rescue farm called DC Forever Farm in Tolland, Connecticut, where she takes care of animals in need. During an interview with the Hartford Courant, she explained that sheep, alpacas, ponies, and pigs consider Christmas trees a tasty treat.
Connell doesn't sell or give away any of her rescue animals. She grew up on a farm where she learned to love and take care of animals since she was five and considers her 'forever farm' a hobby. On her FB page, she writes,
If anyone cannot take care of their animal and need to find a good home for them, please message me and I will do my best to take them in.
Over 30 animals that include alpacas, sheep, goats, and pigs, love feasting on the trees that are dropped off by many neighborhood families. If you're thinking about driving your Christmas tree to Danielle's farm in Tolland, she asks that you make sure there are no tinsel or stray ornament hangars left on the tree.
According to Google Maps, the drive from greater Danbury to Tolland is approximately an hour and ten minutes. For instructions on where to leave your Christmas tree, click on DC Forever Farm.
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