Fox Runs Amok on Federal Road in Brookfield This Morning
So I'm coming out out of the Federal Road Sunoco after purchasing a coffee, I'm headed to my car and I see thIs fox run behind my car and into the darkness of the Wendy's parking lot. I fumbled for my phone, like idiots will do in this situation and it was too late.
I groaned "ugh" and shouted aloud, "come back you little s---!" Guess what? The Fox came back and put on a show for the camera and I still got ass quality pictures.
This is when he circled back, after hearing my command to come back.
Here's the fox looking very Yeti like as he continues to move while I nervously fumble through my phone settings.
Off to order a Maple Bacon Chicken Croissant combo at Wendy's, not realizing they are not open for hours. It is an excellent meal though, fried chicken on a croissant, maple bacon, side of crispy fries and a delicious ice cold Coca-Cola, yes please. Prices vary by location.
Then I captured the only decent picture of my wild friend when he calmed down to lick both the floor and his feet. That is where I left him, at Wendy's. I got in the Mercury (not braggin') and sped off to tell all of you. For all I know, he's still there waiting in the drive-thru.
If you see him, don't give him domesticated dog commands like I did because apparently he listens. Dude looked like he was ready to come to work with me. Thank you for reading this and now all of you are free to blame each other and me for everything.
I got too close, I referred to it as "him" when maybe it's a female, we are not hunting enough, we are hunting too much, people feed them food so they become too bold.....whatever your opinion is, have at it. I never realized I'd encounter so many educators on Facebook everyday, but there are so many who are willing to teach.
Hey but for real, this year has been wild right?

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