New York Offers E-Z Pass Incentive to Motorists Still Holding Out
The state of New York is now offering an incentive to thruway motorists who have been considering getting an E-Z Pass, but still holding out.
The New York State Thruway Authority announced that that are launching a program to attract new customers by offering a $10 discount. The discount will be added after new customers take ten trips on the thruway within six months.
This may be related to the fact that by 2020, the Thruway Authority is expanding the cashless tolling system. With more E-Z Pass tags in use, it looks like their hope is that this incentive will get more drivers prepared for it.
To take advantage of this discount, you can purchase an E-Z Pass on the go tag at over 780 locations across the state. You have to register it between Thursday, Feb. 1 and Monday, Feb. 26, 2018 to take advantage of the account credit.
Or you can log onto the E-Z Pass website to get more information.
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