ASIA's "Heat of the Moment Tour" is coming to the Ridgefield Playhouse on July 3rd, 2024. Ahead of this exciting show, ASIA original member Geoff Downes called the I-95 Morning Show to talk about the gig and his amazing career.

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Dave: Your keyboard work in the Buggles was the very first thing to play on MTV. You were in the Buggles, YES and ASIA, that is one hell of a resume. Of those three bands, which gave you the most fond memories? 

Geoff: "Certainly I could never forget because the big break was with Trevor Horn and myself with the Buggles. I think that we worked so hard, again to create something that was a bit different. You know we weren't just regular pop guys making, churning out pop records we were trying to do something different and in a way it was progressive, it was progressive pop. I've also got a strong affiliation with, we were both a couple of musicians and now we managed to create and craft our careers which diverged after a period of time with Trevor becoming a world-class record producer and I was becoming, you know, playing with all these great bands. So, when I go back to the roots I think Trevor and I were staying up all night and working on this stuff in these little studios and trying to make it all happen. That is obviously something I feel very strongly about but I also think back to working with the guys in YES and it was an amazing experience working with guys like Chris Squire and Alan White and then of course, joining ASIA shortly after that. Then, forming the writing partnership with John (Wetton). I've been very privileged, every day I wake up in the morning and think I have lived a privileged life being able to work with all these amazing musicians."

13th Annual Music Video Production Association Awards
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Lou: Are you a legacy guy? What do you want to be remembered for?

Geoff: "That I made people happy. Music is all about bringing people together, making people happy and if I've done that even to a small level then I'm very happy to say that you know that would be my contribution thankfully and I'd be satisfied with that." 

The 2019 NAMM Show, Saturday, January 26
Getty Images for NAMM

You can listen to our entire interview with Geoff Downes below. We also spoke about his friendship with late ASIA singer John Wetton, Wetton's widow defending the band and what people can expect from the upcoming gig at the Ridgefield Playhouse.

Check out the Ethan, Lou & Large Dave Podcast on Apple and Spotify

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Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

Ridgefield Playhouse Exec Shares Revealing Tales About Richards and More

The Ridgefield Playhouse and I-95 have had a longstanding and fruitful business relationship.The Playhouse, it's leadership and staff have always been welcoming to us and we like to think we've been good to them as well.

I've been doing the I-95 Morning Show for 15 years and in that time I've had so many wonderful memories in that building. We performed our Ethan and Lou 10 year Anniversary concert there, I've met countless celebrities at the Playhouse and have attended many of their shows.

Many of the top flight guests we've booked on the I-95 Morning Show have been courtesy of our association with the Playhouse. But it wasn't just the rock stars that got invited to our studio, the people behind the curtain have always been regular guests on our shows.

Jared Shahid is the new Managing Director at the Ridgefield Playhouse but not a new face to us. Ethan and I have hung with him backstage, we've had him in the studio and he and I even worked on a TV project together.

Jared is one of the best storytellers I know so we were delighted to invite him back on the show. Recently, Shahid joined us on the the I-95 Morning Show with Ethan, Lou & Dave. Whenever he comes in, he brings tickets and stories for our audience. These are some of the amazing behind the scenes tales he shared with us on Thursday (5/25/23).

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

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