Just in case you forgot your electric rates will be going up, Eversource sent its Connecticut customers a friendly reminder.

It was an early Christmas greeting from the Connecticut utility company, just a little reminder that was sent on Tuesday to make sure you know that starting on January 1, customers will see a 21 percent increase in their electric bill.

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That increase will cost you about $31 dollars more per bill, but electric customers are not alone. Even if you're a natural gas customer, you're still going to see about a 20 percent increase, and oil heat customers could see an increase of about 40 percent.

In fairness to Eversource, and according to fox61.com, the reason for the increase is Eversource is only charging customers what they are being charged by their suppliers who use natural gas to generate the electricity they sell to Eversource. With natural gas prices rising steadily, Eversource is paying more for the electricity they deliver to you, so now you will be paying more each month to keep the lights on.

Eversource spokesperson Mitch Gross explained to fox61.com that the utility is being charged more by their suppliers, "so they are passing along the charges to their customers". Gross called the increase "pass through costs", and claims the power company does not make any profit with the increase, "there is no mark up".

Now, if you're feeling a bit angry at this latest increase, take solace in knowing that it's not just Eversource who are raising prices, it's all utility companies who rely on suppliers who use natural gas. So your relatives in Ohio or Florida will be feeling the pinch as well.

If there's any silver lining in this cloud, it's that typically the supply rates that get pushed up in January usually drop a bit in July, and according to the Connecticut Public Utility Regulatory Authority, Eversource will be making a few changes to the look of their bill as well so that customers can understand the charges better, and can get a better idea of why they are now paying more. Isn't that special.

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