Ethan and Lou Talk W/ Navy Seal Justin K. Sheffield About His Decorated Service
Freedom isn't free, it's price is paid by brave men and women like Navy Seal Justin K. Sheffield. We (The Ethan & Lou Show) had the honor and privilege to speak with Justin about his decorated service to our country and the book he's written about it.
We thought this was an important conversation to have as we head into the 4th of July weekend. We will all gather with friends, eat, drink and celebrate our many liberties this weekend and we do that on the backs on people like Justin. I believe this is the most important conversation we've ever had on our show.
I'd like to personally thank Justin and all of our service members past and present for risking their personal physical and emotional safety for the rest of us. You folks are what makes this country the wonderful place it is to live.
Please buy Justin's book "MOB VI: A Seal Team Six Operator's Battles in the Fight for Good over Evil," it's the least we can do to thank him.
More about Justin K. Sheffield:
- Justin Kyle Sheffield was Born October 30, 1979 in San Angelo, Texas.
- Enlisted in the Navy on February 8, 2000.
- In 2014 Justin was medically retired as a Senior Chief Petty Officer and Warfare Operator of the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group, or Seal Team Six.
- Senior Chief Sheffield has completed hundreds of combat operations and enemy engagements in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia.
- He is a recipient of the Silver Star, 6 Bronze Stars with valor for actions in combat, a purple heart, and a host of other medals and commendations.
- Most of the missions that he has conducted are still classified and clandestine.
- The most notable mission that has been declassified and published was the raid in Somalia that led to the hostage rescue of a female American citizen, and a Danish citizen.
WEBSITE: www.alleaglesoscar.org

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