Ed Asner Joins the ‘Ethan and Lou Show’ Before His Ridgefield Performance
Ed Asner is an American actor best known for The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Lou Grant, but his acting resume cannot be boiled down to these two TV shows.
Ed has credits that date back to 1957, and the man still works tirelessly today at the age of 88. He is bringing a one man show to the Ridgefield Playhouse on September 30th called A Man and His Prostate. We talked to Ed about the new show and his amazing career this morning:
These are the days I feel like a spoiled brat. My life is pretty awesome. The guy has succeeded at everything he has done in the entertainment field for many, many years and I was lucky enough to speak to him. He lived up to my lofty expectations by being both funny and gracious while talking to two knuckleheads who were just nervous. You don't get any cooler than Ed Asner.
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