On Sunday (12/11/22), plows were running as several parts of the state of CT got several inches of snow.

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Towns in the central region of the Nutmeg State reported as much as six inches of snow. Lighter snow was reported along the shoreline and CT State Police reported numerous minor crashes on state roads.

With that storm wrapping up and another in the forecast for the end of the week, we were talking about snow Monday (12/12/22) on the I-95 Morning Show. As always seems to happen when we discuss snow, we got into the New Fairfield question. Does New Fairfield, CT get more snow than the other towns in Greater Danbury?

I am the co-host of the Ethan, Lou & Large Dave Show on I-95, and my morning show partner, Ethan Carey has always said that New Fairfield gets more snow. I have called B.S. on this claim, many times. Listen to our Monday talk below.

We had text messages come in to the I-95 Rock Mobile app that supported Ethan's claim, there was no backing for my point of view.

The Real Joe Biden - Putnam Lake - "It doesn’t happen much, but I have to take Ethan’s back on this one. I grew up in the lake right down the street and now I live in new Fairfield. We definitely get way more snow in New Fairfield than we do in Putnam Lake, NY." 

Jay Cadmus - New Fairfield -  It is a slightly higher elevation than Danbury, So it does sometimes get a little more snow. It’s noticeable but negligible. Which is to say Ethan is exaggerating." 

So enough with the blither-blather, I'm going to leave it up to all of you, don't fail me.

If you voted yes, there is still time to go back and change it.

BUT WAIT! There is a scientific answer and we got it from an actual meteorologist. His name is Jack Drake and he joined us Wednesday (12/14/22) to answer our question. Listen below for his answer.

Virtual Tour of New Fairfield Summer Camp for Sale on Candlewood Lake

Camp Candlewood was a Girl Scout camp for many years in New Fairfield, CT. The camp sits on the shores of Candlewood Lake, the largest lake in the Nutmeg State. The Girl Scouts of Connecticut decided to sell the property along with Camp Katoya in Milford and use money from the sale to improve other Girl Scout facilities. 

10 Friendly Holiday Reminders for the Greater-Danbury Area

Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's Eve, whatever you celebrate, this time of year can be stressful and things can get missed. You try so hard to make it perfect but none of us are perfect. We all need to be reminded of things, even things in our local area. Here are 10 Friendly Holiday Reminders for the Greater-Danbury Area.



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