I've seen some crazy looking fish in the water around Connecticut, but I've never seen a Sturgeon. Have you? The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, (CT DEEP), would like to know and hear about it.

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The CT DEEP Bureau of Fish & Wildlife has just sent out a request via their social media for you to contact them if you've seen a Sturgeon here in Connecticut. In particular, the CT DEEP wants to know if you've seen a Sturgeon breach/jump out of the water, jump into your boat, or if you've seen the carcass of one washed up on the riverbank.

According to the post, CT is home to two types of Sturgeon, the Shortnose, and the Atlantic. They look very similar. If it's 4 feet long (48') or over, it's an Atlantic. Shortnose Sturgeons don't grow more than 40" typically. If you're brave, or the fish is muerte, you can tell the smaller-sized fish apart by the size of their mouths, Shortnose may have lost in the nose department, but they have wider mouths than the Atlantic.

Atlantic Sturgeons are big fish, they can grow up to 16 feet in length, and weigh over 800 pounds. They live in rivers and coastal waters from Canada to Florida, and they're listed as Endangered or Threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Atlantic Sturgeon are prized for their eggs/roe, which is much better known as caviar.

The CT DEEP has been conducting research into Connecticut's Sturgeon population, and they've noticed that a lot of you have mentioned seeing Sturgeons around Connecticut on your social media. They would love for you to assist their researchers on this mission. If you see a Sturgeon, report your Sturgeon sighting to the CT DEEP by filling out this brief questionnaire

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