Democrats Endorse Alves For Danbury, Mayor Cavo: ‘I Thought It Was Just a Little Early’
Republican Danbury Mayor Joe Cavo has yet to decide whether he will seek election to City Hall but the Democrats have their man, Roberto Alves.
Joe Cavo rose to Mayor of Danbury out of sense of civic duty. The City charter states that the President of the City Council should take over if a Mayor leaves office in the middle of their term.

That is what happened in Danbury last year when Mark Boughton left office and accepted an appointment to CT State Tax Commissioner by Governor Ned Lamont.
Cavo has maintained, he will wait until he is ready to decide whether or not to seek election in the fall. It seems the Mayor believes that the Democrats may have made their move sooner than normal.
The Danbury Democratic Town Committee announced their decision to endorse Roberto Alves on Monday (4/12/21) in a press release.
Cavo joined the Ethan and Lou Show on Thurday (4/15/21) and we asked the Mayor what he thought of the announcement. This is a transcript of some of that conversation.
Lou Milano: "Big, big news from the Democrats in Danbury. The Danbury Democratic Town Committee has thrown their support and endorsed Roberto Alves as their candidate for Mayor."
Does this, first of all, your experience with Roberto but does this impact your decision as whether to run or not, in any way?
Joe Cavo: "None whatsoever. You know it's early for them, I mean extremely early for them. They do have other people that have expressed interest in running for Mayor. And, they should be looking at all of their folks and saying, you know, who would be the best candidate for us in the future?
To me, it just seems a little early but that's their business not mine. And, so it has no effect on my decision."
Lou Milano: "OK, so you think they did it too early? Is that what I am hearing or am I putting words in your mouth?"
Joe Cavo: "I don't think it should really happen for them. I think they are, I read something that their date is sometime in June or July, before the official nomination happens.
And, so you know, it's just early for that and their system of nominating is slightly different than the Republicans system of nominating, so I don't generally follow it but I just, when I heard that, I thought it was just a little early.
Just a little early, especially since there are other people that have expressed interest in running in the race. And so, you know they, to me, it almost seems like they just shut the door on anybody else and said this is the guy."
That is just some of the conversation with Cavo about the Democratic endorsement of Roberto Alves. You can listen to the entire discussion below.
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