You just can not get enough of a good thing. Especially when it comes to potholes.

That's what the state workers from CT must have been thinking when they recently brought back one of the best potholes in the game. The pothole at the corner of North St. and Hayestown Rd in Danbury is back to wreck s--- up -- namely the front end of your vehicle.

Lou's phone
Lou's phone

If you have been following along with my writings on the matter, you know that I found this pothole particularly annoying. I actually stopped on my way to work one morning and photographed the pothole and wrote about it. Then when it was filled I stopped again, photographed it and took credit for it being fixed. Now here we are just a few short weeks later and it's back and better than ever.

The thing about this pothole is that it sits in such a way that hitting it is unavoidable if you are crossing over Hayestown heading towards Elmer's Diner. It can only be avoided if there is no oncoming traffic which we all know is never the case.

The only possible reason to dig up a pothole that has been fixed is to retrieve your lost keys with the Phil Rizzutto key chain.

You can follow this story from the beginning by reading my two previous entries on the subject here and here.

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