Danbury Fair Mall’s Newest Addition Makes Cold Weather Golf a Reality
Right about now, a round of golf sounds like a good time but seeing as we just had a snowstorm (1/17/22), it’s not really possible. Or is it?
It is possible, and the place where you can make it happen is at the Danbury Fair Mall with Golf Lounge 18.
Danbury Fair Mall's Newest Addition Makes Cold Weather Golf a Reality
The only thing it’s missing is the golf cart experience, which is one of the top 3 reasons I golf to begin with. I’m an unusual guy so I’ll probably be the only one who is missing out on that. Maybe I should be looking into becoming mall cop? If I get a badge and a golf cart while at work, I’m pretty much living my dream. Those two positives outweigh teenagers that would call me Paul Blart and throw things at me.
Top 10 Favorite Golfers -
1.Judge Smails
2. Happy Gilmore
3. Shooter McGavin
4. Carl Spackler
5. Ty Webb
6. Lacy Underall
7. Chubbs Peterson
8. John Daly
9. Tiger Woods
And on Instagram @golflounge18