CT Police Officers Ready to Conquer Mt. Kilimanjaro for Special Olympics
They're ready to take on an adventure of a lifetime to help raise money for Special Olympics.
Kilimanjaro is the tallest free-standing mountain on the planet at 19,341 feet and a dozen members from seven police departments from Connecticut and New Jersey have been training hard to climb this behemoth mountain according to fox61.com.
The primary goal is to raise money for the 13,000 Special Olympic athletes to compete in 26 sports year-round. Tim Bernier from the Guilford Police Department told FOX 61:
It's going to be monumental for us to say the least. It's going to be nothing I've ever experienced. I have no doubt.
Police officers from Cheshire, Watertown, Wilton, Guilford, Naugatuck, and Putnam have accepted the challenge and have been training and fundraising over this past year. So far the officers have raised $150,000.
The team will fly out this Sunday, February 16 and return on February 23. If you would like to help out and donate to this very special cause, click on the Special Olympics website at soct.com.