Connecticut’s Phase 2 of Reopening Has Been Moved Up a Few Days
Connecticut's Phase Two reopening for certain businesses has been accelerated by several days, Governor Lamont announced this morning.
The original Phase 2 date was June 20, but the Governor announced on Twitter this morning, "To avoid having Phase 2 of Connecticut's reopening efforts take effect during a busy Father's Day weekend, we're going to move it up a few days earlier to June 17. We'll release additional safety guidance for businesses that fall under Phase 2 in the next couple of days."
In a follow-up post, the Governor said, "Our public health professionals are continuing to monitor test results for possible links to large demonstrations, but as long as COVID hospitalizations and infection rates remain low, we will be in a very good position for a June 17 Phase 2."
Under Phase 2, the following businesses will be allowed to open: amusement parks, bowling alleys, gyms and fitness studios, hotels (no hotel bars,) libraries, nail salons, indoor restaurants, spas, tattoo parlors, and theaters. Sector guidelines for specific businesses should be coming soon. Previously announced guidelines had Phase 2 outdoor events and gatherings being upped to 50 people from 25.
Phase 3, which will include bars, indoor event venues, indoor amusement parks and arcades, should happen about 4 weeks after Phase 2, barring any spike in COVID-19 cases.
The Connecticut Restaurant Association had petitioned the Governor yesterday (June 3) to push indoor dining to June 10.