One CT High School Says NO to Students Walking Out to Protest Gun Laws
Wallingford School officials have voted NO to allowing high school students to walk out to protest gun violence on March 14.
According to myrecordjournal.com., school officials have sent letters home to parents of Wallingford High School students. This is what that letter said.
Both high schools are not endorsing a walk-out protest. We want our students in school where we can keep them safe. Should a student walk out on this day, disciplinary consequences will be imposed.
What say you, moms and dads? How would you handle this situation? The one month anniversary of the Douglas Stoneman High School shooting is on March 14 and 200,000 students from coast to coast are walking out of their schools at 10am for 17 minutes to honor the 17 students and teachers who were gunned down in Parkland, Florida.
Wallingford school officials claim there are more productive outlets for students to express themselves rather than walking out of class such as 17 minutes of silence to pay tribute to the 17 killed in the shootings. School officials also recommend that students take up a letter writing campaign to state legislators to voice their concerns regarding gun violence.
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