CT Girl Takes Leadership Role on Boys High School Soccer Team
Her high school soccer teammates call Sabrina Porter the "queen of the field."
Sabrina plays for the boy's soccer team at Academy of Aerospace and Engineering High School in Windsor, CT. according to an article in the Hartford Courant. Not only does she play on the boy's team, but she's also the captain and the ultimate leader and the boys' on the team call her, "the queen of the field."
Coach Angelo Morello learned at the team's very first practice this past August that Sabrina wasn't just a girl on a boy's soccer team, she was a major soccer player. The CIAC allows girls to participate on a boy's team. She made the boy's soccer team when she was a sophomore and has been named to the All-Conference team. Oscar Perez, Aerospace's assistant coach told the Hartford Courant:
Everybody we've played has shown a tremendous amount of sportsmanship when it comes to a girl on a boy's soccer team.
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