Connecticut Winter Sun Glare Safety Tip Video Posted by Town of Orange Police
A lot of mornings, I make a trek from Carmel to Yorktown Heights before I make the journey to Brookfield/Danbury. I call it the "tri-fecta" of Highway Hell, first the Taconic, then 684, and then 84, it is quite a gauntlet and this time of year, there are a couple of intersections that are tough to navigate with the blinding sun in the early morning.
The Town of Orange, Connecticut Police Department knows how blinding it can be as well and they posted a video recently on Facebook to show the hazards of just that. I mention the morning hours, but I can also say the same for the afternoon and the video posted by the Orange Police Department shows a crash that took place at 4:19 pm. It's a four-way stop at the intersection of Old Tavern Road and Peck Lane and this was all about the sun glare.
This is directly from the Orange Police Department Facebook page:
The operator's view was obstructed by sun glare which contributed to the collision. An officer was travelling in the opposite direction, stopped at the intersection, and her vehicle was nearly struck when one vehicle careened off the second vehicle. Luckily, no serious injuries occurred as a result of this collision.
They offered some tips on protecting your sight from the sun's glare while driving during these winter months.
1. Keep your windshield clean on the inside and out.2. Use sunglasses as they can help reduce the glare, especially polarized sunglasses.3. Utilize your sun visor as it can block out the sun.