Connecticut Obsessed With Witchcraft in the 1600s
"Are you a good witch or are you a bad witch?"
According to Britannica.com., Witchcraft is defined as, "The exercise of invocation of alleged supernatural powers to control people and events involving sorcery or magic." Back in the 1600s, it would be an understatement that Connecticut didn't take too kindly to witches.
According to an article in the Litchfield County Times from October of 2011, witchcraft in Connecticut was punishable by death in 1642 almost 50 years before the highly publicized Salem Witch Trials.
When settlers traveled to New England in the 1600s, they had a firm belief in God and harshly rejected anyone who didn't believe, especially those who practiced black magic. New Haven colonial records indicate that,
If any person be a witch, he or she shall be put to death according to Exodus, Levitcus, and Deutoronomy.
In 2011, Connecticut state historian, Walter Woodward told the Litchfield County Times that Connecticut brought numerous suspected witches to trial and each one that was found guilty was put to death. The first hanging of a witch in New England was in 1647 of a Windsor woman named Alse (Alice) Young.
Suspected witch, Mary Johnson of Weathersfield was executed in 1648 after confessing that she had entered a pact with the devil. To dive into greater detail of Connecticut's witch hunts from 1647 to 1697, click on countytimes.com. Are there modern-day witches? I would say so.
Excuse me miss, are you a good witch or are you a bad witch?
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