The business of creating cannabis has just been added to the courses being offered this fall at Naugatuck Valley Community College.

According to, NVCC will offer an online pilot cannabis cultivation course to current Horticulture majors this fall. This course will focus on soils, plant biology, plant nutrition, pest management, and harvesting.

NVCC's Horticulture program is the only program in the state to be accredited by the National Association of Landscape Professionals. In addition, NVCC is the only community college in Connecticut that offers a degree in Horticulture.

Horticulture majors who take the course will learn to successfully grow and harvest cannabis by studying plant biology, soils, plant nutrition, pest management, and harvesting. The Associate Degree Program also enables students to transfer, with articulated equivalency, to the University of Connecticut Horticultural Science Program.

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After growth skyrocketed between 2018 and 2019, participants in the 2020 “State of the Cannabis Cultivation Industry Report” hit a plateau in 2020 with their revenue projections, according to

Have you ever considered becoming a cannabis cultivator? According to my research, it's not an easy task. To get started, I've chosen two websites for you to visit. The first one is which lists five of the best online cannabis cultivation schools. The second website is which offers educational opportunities and guidelines on how to get into the cannabis cultivation business.

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Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

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