Candlewood Lake Marine Patrol Expects Busiest Summer Ever
Newly elected state representative Patrick Callahan from New Fairfield described what it was like on Candlewood Lake during the summer of 2020 when he said, "Last summer was a zoo here!" But, unfortunately, truer words were never spoken.
The Candlewood Lake Marine Patrol would like to be equipped and prepared for the heavier-than-usual boat traffic this summer. Still, during an interview with NewTimes, they mentioned that the Candlewood Lake Authority has asked for a large increase of money from its five surrounding towns to cover increased patrolling and safety expenses.

The lake can handle the boats from residents who live in and around the communities bordering the lake, but the influx of boaters from out of state who launch their boats on the weekends has hit record numbers.
The summer of 2020 also saw the debut of boat taxies which, for a fee, transported party-goers to various islands throughout the weekend. Here's a slice of what Candlewood Lake was like last summer.
Last year, each bordering town paid $85,760 to the Candlewood Lake Authority. This year, the CLA asks for $139,000 per town because two of their patrol boats went down due to age.
To keep a lake the size of Candlewood Lake safe, four marine patrol boats are needed along with more specially trained marine officers. Even waterfront residents noticed the increase in boat traffic last summer. New Milford, Sherman and New Fairfield have approved the full increase for the CLA, while Danbury and Brookfield have not.
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