Biden to Nominate Connecticut’s Miguel Cardona as Nation’s Education Secretary
Meet Dr. Miguel Cardona, Governor Lamont's pick for CT's Commissioner of Education, in August 2019. His resume, to say the least, is impressive. So impressive, in fact, that President-Elect Joe Biden has chosen to nominate Dr. Cardona as his choice for Education secretary.
Cardona attended Meriden schools and eventually chose his career path as a public school educator, first as an elementary school teacher and then 10 years as a school principal. From an article on the website, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) tweeted,
My friend Miguel Cardona is everything you would want in a Secretary of Education, a classroom teacher, a fighter for educational equity, a consensus builder. He has risen quickly through the ranks for a reason.
This man has spent his entire adult life as a public school educator, which, in my opinion, makes him the perfect candidate to lead the nation's top spot as the country's Education secretary.
Under Cardona's leadership, approximately 70 percent of Connecticut's schools reopened for in-person classes. In mid-November, school districts began to close their doors to in-person learning citing the spread of COVID-19.
Education Commissioner Miguel Cardona advised against the move citing that the advantages of social, emotional, and physical gains of in-person learning are "too important for our children to disrupt their education further, unless and until local conditions specifically dictate the need to do so." Connecticut's teacher's union has thrown their support behind Dr. Cardona saying,
Dr. Cardona would be a positive force for public education - light years ahead of the dismal Betsy DeVos track record.