Are The Russians Trying To Hack The Home of Rock & Roll?
Forget about the allegations of Russia trying to hack Washington. Even more frighteningly, I've discovered that someone from behind the Iron Curtain has been trying to hack their way into the Home of Rock & Roll.
As the Operations Manager here at the station, I get a lot of the feedback forms and song requests that come in through i95rock.com. While it's usually requests for Freebird, someone offended by something the morning show said, or the general "You Guys Rock!" comments, I try to respond to all of the contacts made by our listeners.
In the past week, however, anytime I get an email through the website, it's been some kind of Russian-looking hieroglyphics. It got me wondering why, of all places, the Russians might be trying to hack the legendary I-95. Here are a few ideas I've come up with that might explain things?
- We play a lot of Paul McCartney, Scorpions, Billy Joel and Bon Jovi, all of whom famously played in Russia.
- Some guy named Alexie or Yegor was listening to our A to Z on RadioPup and heard "Back in the USSR."
- Somewhere in our browsing history, the morning guys were watching Boris and Natasha episodes of Bullwinkle.
- With all the wind last weekend, our mighty 50,000 watt signal blew all the way to Moscow.
- We do have a fondness for vodka.
- They heard that Lou had a recurring feature on the morning show called "Putin' it in Perspective" for awhile.
- There are three Russian players on the Danbury Titans and they wanted to keep tabs on the team.
- They know what big fans we all are of Rocky 4 as well as Red Dawn and The Hunt for Red October.
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