Amazon Distribution Facility Officially Headed to Danbury
Some much needed great news came out of the Hat City today, as Mayor Mark Boughton took to Facebook to announce that after years of hardcore courtship, Amazon is finally coming to town this fall.
We just received an official press release from the Office of the Mayor of the City of Danbury that gives a few more details.
The new Amazon facility is described as a "Last Mile" distribution center, and it's going to be built in the old Scholastic Corporation building on Old Sherman Turnpike. The building is expected to be massive - 147,000 square feet. Best of all, the city anticipates that this new Amazon facility will generate at least several hundred new jobs into the area.
“The City of Danbury was an absolute pleasure to work with on this project, everyone in City Hall and those on the various boards made the entire process very simple in a very complicated time. In all my experience with entitlements throughout the State of CT, I have never worked with a municipality that has been so fair and moved at such an efficient pace,” said Phil DiGennaro, Managing Member for Sound Development Group and property owner of the facility. “It is always satisfying to be a part of revitalization and redevelopment. In this case, transforming an older asset into a state of the art facility for today’s environment."
This is a big dose of positive energy and tax revenue for the city, and a big congratulations and thank you to Mayor Boughton, who has worked relentlessly for years to get Amazon's attention. The news comes just under three years since Mayor Mark's famous (and very slick) video pitch went viral after being sent to Amazon in hopes of bringing the online juggernauts HQ2 to Danbury back in 2017.
Great job, sir. Great job, Danbury.

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