While we were on vacation, Danbury's Mayor Mark Boughton had surgery to remove a benign cyst in his brain. So how's he doing? We got the update from Danbury's acting Mayor Joe Cavo:

A little over a week ago, I heard the news that Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton was undergoing surgery to remove a cyst in his brain. Obviously, knowing Mark for all these years, I was concerned about what was happening. Fortunately, the cyst was benign,  it was discovered before it led to any further complications, and was removed successfully.

The epidermoid cyst was discovered during recent tests after Boughton suffered dizzy spells and headaches. It's been reported that the cyst was about the size of a lemon. He underwent a successful seven hour operation last Tuesday.

Mark is also a likely Republican candidate for Governor in this Novembers election. Would this effect his chances to secure the nomination? What's happening now in the city since he's been in Pittsburgh since the surgery?

Joe Cavo is the Common Council President, and according to city law, takes over as acting Mayor if the Mayor is unable to perform his duties. So we talked to Joe to get an update on the Mayor's condition (video above).

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