Connecticut Shoplifter Ate His Counterfeit Cash, Police Say
Police in Connecticut say an alleged shoplifter has discovered a new innovative way to destroy evidence.
From the pages of Danbury's Daily Voice comes word that the scene of the alleged crime was the Sears store in Milford. The time was just after 12:00 noon this past Tuesday.
Apparently, New Haven resident Mizraim Diaz-Rivera was accused of stealing over $100 in store merchandise using a $20 counterfeit bill. Knowing that the use of a counterfeit bill in a store transaction could bring on a world of hurt, Diaz-Rivera allegedly made the decision to actually eat the $20 bill. The question that presents itself is: was he ravenously hungry or was it actually a counterfeit bill?
Believe it or not, police also say that they discovered that he was in possession of prescription medication that did not belong to him. Diaz-Rivera was arrested on several charges and is currently being held in lieu of $10,000 bond.
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