81 Years Ago Today: Lucy and Desi Got Married in Greenwich, CT
As a child of the 70's, I spent many hours glued to the TV set, and eventually when my parents had enough of my cartoons, my mom would put on I Love Lucy. I Love Lucy was a groundbreaking American television show that originally ran on CBS from 1951 to 1957, and it's still being rerun to this day. I Love Lucy was one of the greatest and most influential sitcoms in the history of American television. It was the most watched television show in the United States while it ran, and inspired millions of us with its sharp wit, and Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz's incredible talents.

Did you know that Lucy and Desi were married in Greenwich, Connecticut? I had no idea.
According to the Office of the State Historian of Connecticut, and todayincthistory.com, on November 30, 1940, Desi Arnaz was booked for two shows at The Roxy Theater in New York City, and Lucy and Desi decided that that was the day that they were going to get married. New York and Connecticut both had mandatory waiting periods to obtain a marriage license, and Connecticut's mandatory wait time was 5 days. So, Lucy and Desi made their way to Greenwich from the City, and with the help of a special mandatory wait waiver issued by Greenwich Judge Harold Knapp, they exchanged their vows at the Byram River Beagle Club.
Lucy and Desi made their way back into the City, according to todayincthistory.com, and they made it back in time for Desi's scheduled performances.
I wish my mom was still here, she was only 7 months old when Lucy and Desi got married. She loved them, and I'm sure she would have been surprised to hear that two of her favorite stars were married so close to home when she was only 7 months old.
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