22-Year-Old Connecticut State Senator Calls for Free Wi-Fi on Trains
Will Haskell, the 22-year-old state senator representing the 26th District, is co-sponsoring a bill for train riders.
Haskell is calling for free Wi-Fi on all Metro-North trains. If I was commuting into New York City on a daily basis, I would most certainly rally around this bill. On average, the commute from the Southeast station to Grand Central is 1 hour and 30 minutes or 3 hours roundtrip. What a perfect opportunity to whip out your laptop and catch up on some work.
If you read Jim Cameron's article in the News Times, you'll find out about a couple of snags concerning Senator Haskell's bill. I should mention that Cameron is a longtime Connecticut commuter advocate who seems dumbfounded by Haskell's glaringly simple bill. I must admit that Cameron makes some definitive points.
Don't get me wrong, in most situations I say, "If it's free, it's for me," But Cameron points out some obvious obstacles that Senator Will Haskell has overlooked. Like the dreadful cell service along the Metro-North corridor, for instance. Does Young Will know that to secure Wi-Fi, one must possess decent cell service which pretty much sucks along Metro-North's route. I must admit that this new young 22-year-old Senator from Connecticut has the intelligence and enthusiasm to be successful but, in my opinion, lacks the experience. The following video was produced when Haskell announced he was running against incumbent Senator, Tori Boucher.
Cameron also points out that the young Senator from Connecticut may have his priorities all screwed up when it comes to riding the Metro-North railroad. Hey Sen. Haskell, have you given any thought to what might be more important issues than lack of Wi-Fi like fares, lack of seats, lack of train station parking, or the speed and safety of the trains?
You have to admire the enthusiasm of the young first-time politician but it usually doesn't come close to the experience of a well seasoned honest career politician who knows the ropes. Senator Will Haskell may become one of those politicians over the next 20 years but he's got a long way to go.
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