You Can Pay For ‘Just a Taste’ Of John O’Hurley in Hartford
John O'Hurley is returning to Connecticut tomorrow night, and if you have $85 and want to meet him and watch a minor league ballgame, you're in luck.

I've loved John O'Hurley from the moment he uttered the words "Just a taste" he said, that was all it took." in this classic scene from Seinfeld.
Tomorrow night (Thursday, August 31, 2023) O'Hurley will be attending the Hartford Yard Goats game vs the Richmond Flying Squirrels at Yard Goats Stadium in Hartford, and you can still (As of me writing this) get VIP Meet & Greet tickets to chat him up before or during the game. According to the Yard Goats, those VIP tickets are the only way guaranteed for you to meet O'Hurley. Unfortunately, the photo above was taken at a 'Seinfeld Experience' event in Los Angeles, Soup Nazi and Bania will not be there with him.
I wouldn't ask him about any of his Seinfeld days, but I would be really interested in his dog show hosting duties. Ever since Best in Show, I've dreamed of doing that.
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