Would Red Light Cameras Make Waterbury Safer to Drive Through?
Have you ever received a ticket in the mail because you drove through a red light? I have, and I deserved it. You probably haven't if you only drive in Connecticut. So far, our state has not allowed red light cameras, but that may be changing.
We're in the wonderful time of year where our State Representatives are crafting new laws at our Capital, and a few of our state reps, including Waterbury Rep. Michael DiGiovancarlo, have introduced legislation that would allow Waterbury to be used as a test market for Connecticut's first red light cameras.
I was just snagged by a red light camera in New York City. It happened as I was driving back home on the West Side Highway--Henry Hudson, whatever, it'll always be the West Side to me. I foolishly decided to try to make a yellow light, but I saw it turn red just as I was passing underneath. I saw a couple of camera flashes, one in front of me, one from behind, and I knew that I screwed up. Sure enough, two weeks later, I received a citation for $50 for running a red light in NYC, and right there on the ticket was a photo of my dumb ass in the middle of the intersection.
Did it have the intended effect? In the moment, no, I drove through it and kept going. You can be absolutely sure of this though, I'll never try to make a yellow in Manhattan again. So, yes, it made me think.
I lived in Waterbury for 52 years. I've seen plenty of people run red lights, but I don't see that as the major problem. I think that running stop signs, speeding, and reckless driving are the big issues. How can you control those? Ehhhh. Red light cameras on every corner? Not going to happen.
It will be interesting to see if this bill gets pushed through.