What Do You Enjoy About Winter in Connecticut?
It happened during the 6 PM news last night, all of our local tv stations started blasting out the first SNOW ALERTS of the season. I'm so ready for winter this year, I love winter here in Connecticut, but I feel like we're in the minority.

I crave the quiet, cold season, but all I heard today was winter negativity. Oh, the ice? We gotta get salt. My tires are bad, it's going to snow, this sucks. Gotta leave extra early tomorrow, gotta turn the heat on, etc.
Aren't you excited for the bugs to die? The New York, Ohio, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania warm-weather vacationers to stay home? The never-ending road construction crews to pack it in due to the cold? The landscapers and their loud-ass leaf blowers and mowers finally quieting down? Seasonal allergies?
I love the professionalism of the DOT workers, and all of the subcontractors that plow the hell out of our streets, sidewalks and highways. I started driving in the mid 80's, and I can tell you from experience that Connecticut's snow removal techniques stand right up there with the best in the world. You remember the Halloween blizzard in 2011? Most of Connecticut lost power for weeks, but damn, I made it to work the very next morning.
I love that we can get fresh seafood through the Winter, try to get a dozen clams in Missouri in January, I'll bet they'll cost 3X what they do here. In addition, that Atlantic Ocean warmth keeps Connecticut out of the major blizzards at times. We have it good here. Winter is coming, and I'm so ready.
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