Waterbury Offers Free Food Drive-Thru Distribution Event
As the coronavirus numbers start to rise again, it's even more terrifying to those who are already food insecure.

So many aspects of our daily lives have been disrupted through this pandemic. We've seen the large food-share events taking place around the state, such as the ones over the past few months at East Hartford's Rentchler Field, and in the cities of Danbury, and New Haven. Waterbury has also put on a series of food share events, and another one is taking place this afternoon in the downtown area.
The Waterbury Health Department, Mayor Neil O'Leary, the USDA Farmers to Family program, and Waterbury Bridge to Success invite you pick up a free box of food at the Grace Baptist Church, at 65 Kinsbury Street in Waterbury, today, October 19, 2020, from 2:30 to 6:30PM.
Each box will contain a variety of fresh fruits, meats, produce, and dairy products, including a bottle of milk. This is a drive-thru and a walk up event. If you are arriving by car, they want you to stay inside your vehicle. If you are arriving by foot, they ask that you maintain social distance of 6 feet from each other, and that you wear a mask at all times. Food is distributed on a first come, first served basis, while supplies last, rain or shine.
The event is open to the public, anyone who is uncertain when, or if, their next meal is coming, should feel free to stop by and pick up a free box of food.
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