Authorities Say ANOTHER Waterbury Man Ran Over Geese On Purpose
Dude, don't be such a dick.
Geese. Yeah they can be a nuisance is so many ways, but whenever I hear a story of someone's cruelty and disregard for animals, it not only breaks my heart, it also makes me cringe to think about what else they'd be capable of.
In a report from patch.com a Waterbury man has been accused of running over a large gathering of geese on purpose on the morning of June 10th. State officials say the man is accused of illegally passing two vehicles that were stopped while the geese were attempting to cross the road, and at least one was killed.
The Waterbury Police Department got a 911 emergency call from a witness who claimed to have witnessed the act. According to the police investigation not only did various witnesses make statements that the suspect, Moses Wilson, drove his vehicle over the Canada Geese as they crossed the roadway, but additionally The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection EnCon Police where able to retrieve video surveillance footage showing Wilson's vehicle driving over the birds as they tried to cross the road.
Wilson was arrested for allegedly committing violations that include, Cruelty to Animals, Illegal Method of Taking Waterfowl, Taking Waterfowl during Closed Season, and Passing on the Right.
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