Waterbury Cemetery Participating in Global Scavenger Hunt
Believe it or not, cemeteries are sometimes beautiful. Many people I know find moments of peace among the beautiful landscaping and intricate memorials. Are you one of those people? Would you like to make your moment of graveyard peace a little more fun by participating in a national cemetery scavenger hunt? Come to Waterbury just before Halloween 2023.

Waterbury's Riverside Cemetery is located right underneath Rt. 8 on the approach to the Mixmaster alongside the Naugatuck River. It's also been on the National Register of Historic Places since 1988. Incredible examples of neo-classical, gothic, and romantic-styles of monuments and memorials dot Riverside's 36.4 acres of land. Some of the headstones date back to as far as the late 1700's. Sound like a nice place for you to take a stroll, right?
You might want to stop by on Saturday, October 28, 2023. That's when Riverside Cemetery has announced that they will participate in the 2023 TalkDeath Halloween Cemetery Scavenger Hunt. It's a global event, Waterbury's Riverside Cemetery has been named as one of three locations alongside cemeteries in Brooklyn, NY and Chicago, IL.
Based on the 2022 TalkDeath Scavenger Hunt, you'll have a chance to win quite a few items at the event, last year TalkDeath cobbled together a wide array of death-centric items as prizes for the event. TalkDeath Staff members, as well as members of the Connecticut Death Collective will be on site to assist at the event, and they're also planning on having a trunk or treat. If you don't find all of the hidden symbols, at least you will get free candy, right?
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