#10 - Sitting by THIS Christmas fire

#9 - Tripping over my little cousin at the family party and making him cry.  To be fair to me he was crying ten minutes earlier because he was scared of the family dog.

#8 - Being asked if I gained weight by my cousin. (I did).  That was nice.

#7 - Watching a mall Santa fall down - AWESOME!

#6 - Asking for help at a department store to find something.  I gave a detailed description of the items on my girlfriends Christmas list and was told if I had an iphone I could click on the link and show them exactly what it looked like...if not they could not help.  FUN.  I did not have an iphone.  It was not helpful.

#5 - Clogging the toilet at the family Christmas party.

#4 Saki @ hibachi for my girlfriend's Christmas Eve birthday party.

#3 - Watching a mall Santa fall down - YES it's worth 2 spots on the list.

#2 - Listening to the hibachi chef sing the children's song: "clean up, clean up everybody, everywhere, clean up, clean up, everybody do your share."

#1 - Wrapping a 12 pack of Mountain Dew as a Christmas gift.  Nothing says: "you are a failure" like wrapping soda as a gift for a loved one!

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