The Ultimate Connecticut Corn Maze Finder
It's corn maze season kids! That's right you know we are all going for better or worse. When that is over, apple picking season starts, followed by pumpkin picking season. What are these activities all about? For one, it's a great way to separate from our money but the real reason is for pictures. It's all abut taking the perfect fall picture. WHOOPETY DOO!!
Since we are required by law to wander through corn, pick a truckload of apples we could never eat in time and take photos in sweaters next to pumpkins I thought I would share with you this really helpful corn maze finding tool. While my tone leaves a lot to be desired it's actually a real and helpful thing.
If you click this link you can find ANY and every corn maze in CT and all throughout the country. It's called Corn Mazes America. click and use it. This way, if you want to go on a corn tour, weaving your way through all of America's corn, you are all set.
Get your corn on and buckle up for months forced activities wearing sweaters, drinking cider and filling our bodies with the Almighty Pumpkin Spice. I heard that was one of the spices the Wise Men brought to meet the baby.