The Mysteries Behind the Desolate and Abandoned Camp Connecticut
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Tucked deep in the woods bordering the Connecticut towns of Colchester and Hebron lies what used to be a sizeable popular campground for children called Camp Connecticut, also known as the Camp of Shadows.
As I was compiling the research for this article, the word "haunted" kept showing up in my source material. Of course, a wide variety of phenomena have been reported by explorers, but are they just countless rumors that have emerged throughout the years? Nobody seems to know for sure.
Thanks to the J&M Explorations YouTube page, we will take a closer look at this abandoned campground for kids. Do you think it's haunted? Is there an evil presence that caused the camp to shut down suddenly?
The Mysteries of the Abandoned 'Camp Connecticut'
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