The Most Famous Inmates to Serve Time in Danbury
The Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, CT is a minimum security federal prison, it often houses high-profile inmates who have committed white collar crimes.
Despite what many red-carpet dwellers may think, celebrity status does not mean that one is exempt from obeying the law, paying taxes, or complying with any of the other societal duties that come with being an upstanding citizen in this fine country. In fact, that above-the-law mentality has landed many celebs in undesirable situations. Sometimes, legal troubles have launched certain famous people into obscurity, while for others, run-ins with the law have just added fuel to the fire that is their fame.
Conversely, as is the case for one of the people listed below, maybe it is the crime itself, the prison time that they served, or even just the experience of the whole ordeal that puts a particular celebrity into the limelight.
In some crazy way, I guess you can say that we have been blessed in that a number of celebrities who have broken federal laws, have served all or part of their sentences within the walls of the prison that holds our city's namesake.
Here is a list of some of FCI Danbury's most notable inmates according to wikipedia:
The Most Famous Inmates To Serve Time in Danbury
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