The C-130 Flyover Rattled My Molars in Torrington Yesterday
I'm an idiot, I obviously knew it was Memorial Day yesterday, but I was still kinda rattled when that huge plane flew over me during Torrington's Memorial Day Parade. I'm sure you heard and felt it, but did you see it? It flew over New Milford's Memorial Day Parade also.
It was around 10AM yesterday morning, and I was walking my dog at our place on S. Main Street, which was also part of the Torrington Memorial Day Parade route, unbeknownst to dumb me. I heard it first, that massive engine sound, a train? A Sikorsky helicopter taking a ride along the Naugatuck River? The massive turboprop noise steadily got louder as it approached. What an awesome sight it is to see a 75,000 pound aircraft fly directly over your head. Then I felt it, and so did RayRay. It made the ground vibrate as it passed by, what? 1,000-2,000 feet overhead?
I had that 2 second moment of panic, like, "Oh no, why the hell would a C-130 fly this close to the ground, is it 'Red Dawn' time?". Then I realized I was home at 10AM, on a National Holiday. Ooof. Anyway, it was an inspirational moment, knowing that the land that we live on has strong soldiers that know how to use those things when necessary, and how much respect I have for all of those that have sacrificed everything quickly followed.
As of 2015, over 2,500 Lockheed C-130 aircrafts have been built. It was a privilege to see one of them yesterday over my head.