Rare Subtropical Pink Bird Found in Connecticut
According to CT Post, the Roseatte Spoonbill is easy to find in South America, but is extremely rare in the northeast. It's a big deal to see the pink bird in the north, so when sightings popped up in both Stratford and Milford, Connecticut it was a welcome surprise for bird lovers.
Earlier in the summer, one was seen in Maine. Then, on September 14, an appearance in Stratford, CT. Finally, on the 19th, bird watchers got a show at the Connecticut Audubon's Milford Point Coastal Center when the spoonbill showed up.
Connecticut Audubon Society Director of Communications, Tom Andersen had this to say: "It's a big world – what are the odds?" Looks like the bird just wanted to be somewhere it would be appreciated.
This is a weird looking bird, I'm sure they don't think they look weird, but I do. I wonder if other birds look at the spoonbill and say "man, that's weird looking." I guess probably not. Humans seem to be the only douche's on planet Earth walking around talking bad about one another.
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