Insurify ran a nationwide study to determine which cities have the rudest drivers in each state.

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Here in CT, you might guess something like Bridgeport, maybe Waterbury or even Hartford but no, the answer was Bristol. Bristol is best known for being the home of ESPN but now they can add this feather to their cap.

So, how did they come up with the answers? The insurance company leafed through their 4 million car insurance applications to capture the details they needed to make their decisions.

As you know, when you file for car insurance you have to disclose your driving record along with your home city, your state, etc. They defined "rude" driving using the following metrics:

  • Failure to stop violations
  • Failure to yield violations
  • Passing where prohibited
  • Improper backing
  • Improper passing
  • Street racing
  • Tailgating
  • Hit and Runs

Bristol, you did it! You obviously stink at driving but I think this is incorrect. I'd like to have the numbers reviewed again.While I love my home city of Danbury, CT with all my heart, she has a problem. world-class rude driving.

I'm a little more sensitive to the issue because I live in Downtown Danbury, it's where I do most of my driving and it's setup for rude driving. You have people weaving in and out  of lanes, illegal ATV's and motorcycles as far as the eye can see and certifiable A-holes everywhere you look.

The Hat City is loaded with wonderful people but we are certainly storing some Grade A jerks somewhere in the nooks and cranny's here. I grew up in New York (Brewster) and I've heard the age-old beef between New York and CT drivers, as to who is worse, and based on the driving in Danbury alone, I say CT has worse drivers.

I also believe that Insurify missed a few key categories that I'm certain Danbury is king in, Loud music and loud exhaust pipes. The loud music issue may just be my age starting to catch up to me but the loud exhaust has to go.

Trucks with massive, unnecessary exhaust pipes, motorcycle drag pipes modified to make more noise and sedans with racing pipes, we have it all. The culprits are always men, usually in their 20's and I'd like to address them now. We see you, you are loved and appreciated, you don't need to make a scene, all you are doing is screaming "I have a small penis."

P.S. In New York it was Schenectady and in Jersey, it was Clifton

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