Before you jump into your holiday food prep, it’s a great idea to take a moment to find out which foods you might want to skip. This little bit of research can really help you create delicious and healthier meals that everyone can enjoy. By avoiding certain ingredients, you’ll make sure your celebrations are fun and tasty for all your guests, who most certainly would choose not to spend their visit in the bathroom.

Before I deliver a short list of foods to avoid over this holiday season, how about some 'Food Fun Facts?'

** One burger can be made from hundreds of different cows. According to Focus Management Consultants, minced, shredded, or ground meats can be taken from many other animals. The meat is processed in huge batches and then chopped down to smaller amounts before packaging. Mmm, Mmm, good!

** Cheese is the most stolen food: More people steal cheese than any other type of food.

** Some ingredients come from unusual sources: A food colorant called carmine – present in Skittles, amongst other things – is made from crushed-up beetles.

Recalled Foods to Avoid According to the CT Department of Health

LOOK: 15 formerly popular foods in America that are rarely eaten today

Stacker researched the history of popular foods, from Jell-O salads to Salisbury steak, and highlighted 15 that are no longer widely consumed.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

LOOK: Food and drink items that are highly restricted or banned in the U.S.

Stacker explores snacks and other food items banned in the U.S. From tasty cheeses to the famed Scottish dish haggis, these 30 foods aren't welcome in most of the United States.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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