Sandy Hook Father Sues Conspiracy Theory Book Authors
Lenny Pozner is the father of Noah Pozner, who was one of 26 murdered at Sandy Hook.
Pozner has recently filed a lawsuit against James Fetzer and Michael Palacek, the authors of a book titled, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook. Pozner, along with other victim's families, have already filed an anti-defamation lawsuit against conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones. According to, both Fetzer and Palacek plan on a vigorous defense saying:
Our evidence clearly shows this wasn't a massacre, it was a FEMA drill. If you believe otherwise, then you are being played.
The book also alleges that Noah Pozner's death certificate is a fake. Keep in mind that Lenny Pozner has had to relocate a number of times because of the constant harassment he's received from people who buy into these conspiracies. A woman from Florida (Florida you say), Lucy Richards, was sentenced to 5 months in prison for making death threats against Pozner.
Hey, Fetzer, Palacek, Richards, and all of you other conspiracy theorists who believe that Sandy Hook was a sham. Do you really believe that the families, extended families and friends who were crushed and heartbroken by the deaths of these 20 innocent children were ACTORS?!
Here is what I know to be true: On December 14, 2012, twenty children and six adults were murdered at the Sandy Hook Elementary School by a seriously disturbed young man. If you should choose to believe Sandy Hook never happened, keep it to yourself and leave the survivors of this abhorrent tragedy alone.