Rescued Baby Squirrel Named Officer Nibbles Joins Police Department in CT
Weighing in at 5 oz., meet the Glastonbury Police Department's newest recruit.
Glastonbury police officers discovered a tiny baby squirrel lying abandoned and uninjured in the middle of the road so they picked up the little fella, brought him back to the station house and built him a comfy baby squirrel condo. Credit - Glastonbury Police Dept. Video
Since the momma squirrel was nowhere to be found they decided to name their new recruit, Officer Nibbles. The officers decided to let Nibs spend the night until they decide what the next course of action should be.
Glastonbury police officers have been speculating about the future role of Officer Nibbles on the force. Because a squirrels eyesight is especially keen, there's been talk about using Nibs for aerial surveillance work from the tops of
Not only do squirrels have amazing eyesight but they also have pads on the bottom of their paws so they're able to jump a good twenty feet and not hurt themselves. Thanks to the Glastonbury Police Department officers for their act of kindness.
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