Bethel Police Show Results From Statewide Distracted Driving Campaign
I'd say I'm shocked every time I look over and see a driver texting or talking on a cellphone behind the wheel, but I'm not shocked. People still don't grasp the severity of distracted driving. Sad, but true.
Unless you, or someone you love is the victim of distracted driving, so many people think it won't happen to them. One look at this video is proof of how dangerous the distraction is. Honestly, I believe this should be viewed by teens and adults alike, over and over again until it sinks in.
There was a big push across the state in April for the "U Drive, U Text, U Pay" campaign.
Local police department reports are starting to come in about the campaign. A press release from the Bethel PD says the following:
During the month of April 2017, the Bethel Police Department participated in the Statewide Distracted Driving High Visibility Campaign. Throughout the month, Bethel Police Officers actively enforced laws restricting the use of handheld electronic devices, texting while driving, and distracted driving. Below is a summary of those efforts:
Cell phones 65
Distracted driving 3
Texting 34
Seatbelt 1
Fugitives 1
Suspended License 3
Drugs 1
Other 8
They mean what they say. "U Drive, U Text, U Pay." One way or another, it will come back to bite you. God forbid you kill yourself or someone else.
We'll keep you updated as more reports come in from other local police departments.
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